Third Eye Chakra

The third eye is a commonly mentioned chakra. People who use the third eye chakra are referred to as clairvoyant, or can be called seers.

In truth, the third eye can be used to see not only the future, but auras, which is why there is a small section for it here on this site.

Common names are the third eye, inner eye, third eye chakra, 6th chakra, and brow chakra.

For those of you not familiar with chakra, the third eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead.


As with any gift, people will sometimes feel the need to be grounded. Certain items may help you do so.

Color: Many people who use their third eye often find themselves drawn to colors. The main colors of the third eye are purple and white, although blue is also used on occasion because of the third eye's association with Indigo Children.

Crystals: Gemstones or crystals are usually made up of Earth's energy, and can be very helpful. Quartz is a very grounding crystal for the third eye chakra. Other gemstones to use are sapphire and amethyst.

Scents: Some people find that a scent calms them more than anything. The best scents to use for the third eye are lavendar, mint, and vanilla.

Nature: People with the third eye are very likely to feel one with nature. The best time for people with the third eye is night, because the night sky is said to clear the way for our inner eye. The planet Jupiter and the stars themselves can be something to relate to in the sky. Animals are also a part of nature. Animals relating to the night - owls, bats, wolves, cats, or any other nocturnal animal, would be an animal you could easily feel comfortable with.


If you don't feel that you're all that good at seeing auras, or if you're interested in strengthening your third eye, here are some things that you can do.

1. Regurarly practice closing your eyes and placing your hands over your eyes. Don't do this while focusing on anything specific. If you see anything during this, write it down. The more often you do it the more accustomed your third eye will become to being used.

2. Meditate. Nothing could be more helpful than meditation. Meditation is very healing for the third eye, as it allowed it free reign over your thoughts. As clearing your mind is difficult, instead push your thoughts back, and think of bright white light. This will help you concentrate on the task at hand.
